Monday, March 25, 2013

Stone carver

Abraham Mohler came to Midwestern State this past week as a visiting artist for the sculpture department. He is a stone carver and demonstrated his techniques through out the week.

Lucky for me, I had the privilege of getting to see him before having to leave for the NCECA conference in Houston. We left later than expected so I spent the extra few hours watching him work. I was able to get my hands dirty as well and helped him carve on his limestone piece he will try to have finished before he leaves MSU. It was really a fun medium to work in and really enjoyed the idea of carving into a solid piece.

This process was very similar to how I am building my own work right now in ceramics. I am building solid pieces of clay and then carving into them to get my basic shape. When I have that figure sketched out I then hollow out my form. I learned some really good ways of looking at a solid piece and hopefully I can take some of what I learned back to my own work.

 I will try to get a picture of what the piece looks like when it is done. It will be a standing up version of the thinker.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

We are the Muses!

Greetings Humans!

We have abducted the blog of the Human-Who-Gives-Us-Belly-Rubs! We have noticed that the Treat-Giver has only mentioned us briefly on this communication outlet and so we will tell you about ourselves. We are the Muses, Rat Goddesses of Ceramics and Printmaking. If you sacrifice yogurt drops to us we will grant you with creativity and artistic skill. If you ignore us or refuse to groom us then we will pee on you and make your brain mushy like cheese that has been sitting in the sun to long. While most humans hate us and try to catch us in their silly traps, the ones who really get to know us we bless with love and affection. Now to introduce ourselves!

Kyra is my name and I am the eldest so I get to address you silly humans first. My hobbies are Sleeping, Eating, Proving myself as Alpha Rat, Sleeping, receiving Belly Rubs and Eating. Being Alpha comes with its privileged such as being top groomer, getting
to choose my position in the hammock. I may not be the smartest rat but I am the toughest and always get my way. Except when the Little-Fast-One attacks. I cannot keep up with that one. However I am bigger and Stronger and I always win at wrestling. My favorite foods are well everything. Except the greasy gross food the One-Who-Scratches-Behind-My-Ears claims is edible. Now if you will excuse me I am off to find some dinner.

My name is Phantom. I am the smartest of the group, yet you humans dare to call me a Dumbo Rat. I have always dreamed of being a Dentist yet my Humans do not appreciate it when I try to give them a free teeth cleaning. My
favorite food is anything I am not allowed to have and whatever my Human-Who-Doubles-as-a-Jungle-Gym is eating. I love to climb to the highest point possible in the room just to prove I can. I am a master at Hide and Seek and enjoy hiding things from Kyra. I am obsessed with bottles and collecting anything that I can carry while preforming happy jumps. Oh what is that word you humans use...Pack Rat? Yes that is it! I am a Pack Rat.

you. Iamblindbutthatwill

Umm...Shorty you need to slow down you are typing to fast....


Okayheregoes. Hello, my name is Shorty. I am missing part of my tail from a terrible accident I had when I was a pup but The-One-Who-Loves-to-Play decided to adopt me when no one else would. What she didn't realize was I am also completely blind. I know, I know you are wondering how I can still type even though I cannot see. Well I am just awesome like that, and I will never explain my secrets to you slow humans. Besides unless you really know me you would never guess that I was blind. Except when the One-Who-is-Slightly-Slower-Than-Me changes how the cage is arranged...I hate clean out days. I love to run and jump and wrestle andplay intheblankets onthebedandhidinginthedrawersand....

Shorty you are doing it again...

I sorry. I guess I am done since you can't keep up! It is time to go play anyways so bye!

We apologize for the craziness that is Shorty. Now where were we...

Greetings! My name is Marshmellow, and My name is Hershey. We are the newest rats to the pack! We are very excited to be able to say hi to everyone. We are very much enjoying our new life with the Tall-One-Who-Gives-Kisses and love our new sisters. Getting use to our new home has been a little scary but
we are slowly getting use to all the sights and sounds. Kyra has been nice and grooms our ears when we get nervious and Shorty and Phantom are really fun to play with. We had this weird green stuff called Salad yesterday and we really like it. We get to try all kinds of foods at our new home. We are very pleased to meet all of you and are very glad to call ourselves Muses!

We would also like to take this moment to remember our angel rats who have already passed into the meadow of yogert treats and cheese. Kita and Patch we will never forget you. Please do not eat all the yummies before we get to join you in the great green meadow in the sky. We miss our loving grooming sessions and playtime and long naps in the hammock. But we know we will see you again soon when our time with the Human-Who-Loves-Us is finished. Until then we will keep you close to our hearts. Rest in Peace Kita and Patch.

