Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Welcome to My World

Welcome to the mixed up world that are my thoughts! Because this is the first entry in my blog, here is a quick introduction to who I am and what makes me tick...

To understand my life you first need to meet the people around me. I am engaged to AJ Lopez III and am very excited to spend the rest of my life with him (cue the "Awwww"). We will be getting married sometime in 2014. And we have kids (well sort of)! I own four goofy rats who inspire me every day. They always remind me that life is short so you should enjoy yourself. They also inspire me to keep my room clean because everything I leave on the floor will ether end up in their cage or have holes chewed in it.

I am a student at Midwestern State University getting my bachelors degree in fine arts. And for those of you who don't know where Wichita Falls is...

While the Falls is a smaller city, I have really enjoyed my time here. Midwestern State is a great place with amazing teacher. Almost all of the visiting artists who have come to campus have claimed it is a gem hidden from the rest of the world, and they are surprised at the work that comes from our freshman classes let alone the upper class work.

I am currently working towards graduation in December 2014 and the Senior Exhibition I will put on that month. I have chosen Ceramics as my major studio and Printmaking as my minor and still feel like I still have so much learn.

Most of my work (as of right now) will be based on the ever changing thoughts that go through people's minds. I have found that everyone has a world going on in their own head. These world influence how we perceive the real world and they even influence how we react to the real world. No one ever talks about what goes on in their minds. It is like we are ashamed or embarrassed to share our imaginations to the world.

So that is what I intend to do! My art work is an extension of who I am, what I believe in and how I look at the world around me. I am not ashamed of who I am, even if my thoughts are very different from the rest of the world. I am hoping that through seeing my artwork it will inspire others to have dreams and ideas of their own.

This blog is to further explain how my mind work and give you a more in depth look into how and why I love to do the work that I do. I hope you enjoy your time here. And if not then at least you will have a look at my own enjoyment, the wonderful world of Art!!

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