Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Lunamal: Lesari, Sky Glider

For those of you wondering who the cute Lunamal was in my last post, it was a Lesari, also known as a sky glider. The Lesari is small, and is only about 8 inches long (about the size of a squirrel). While they prefer mountain and forest areas the Lesari is an excellent hunter and can adapt to almost any environment. It's short legs and long tail also give it excellent balance when scaling trees and rocks. The Lesari even has a thumb like finger on its hands giving it extra grip, and help it while searching for food.

They have an interesting ability that is perfect for quick escapes, their ears! When on the ground or perched in a tree, the Lesari rolls it large ears up. If it is frightened or needs to make a quick get away it releases its ears and parachutes away to safety. While its ears are mainly for gliding it can get some lift using air currents when traveling long distances. Each ear is about a foot long giving it a little over 2 foot "ear span." 

It has long eyelashes to keep dust out as it flies. And its short dense coat protects it from the elements. When it is to hot, the Lesari can also use its large ears to stay cool. It will send it hot blood flowing through its ears to be released. And when it is cold it will wrap in its ears and use its tail to stay warm. 

It will avoid water at all cost since its ears and thick coat will weigh it down. It prefers to get it's liquid from the fruits and vegetation it eats or lick the moisture off of leaves and grass. As I mentioned before, Lesari is an excellent hunter and while plant life is important to its survival, it prefers to eat bugs and smaller mammals and birds. The Lesari is an opportunist and will even hunt and kill animals much larger than itself if the animal is weak. 

The Lesari is a very common Lunamal and can be seen on all parts of the planet throughout all 7 seasons. Because of its ability to adapt to different environments, the Lesari breeds year round, but, like many Lunamal, will have its largest litter (between 8-12 pups) during the moon of the Plains. 

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