Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Sketching Daily: Day 4 "Scribbly Drawings"

Day 4 of my Sketching Daily Challenge has arrived and we stumbled on an exercise that I am very excited to work on. Today we jump into the category, Inspired by Children. I love kids. Their imaginations fascinate me, so I was very excited to begin, Scribbly Drawings. Its plays on the simple concept that Scribbling is just FUN! Think about it, when you have a pen in your hand and a piece of paper in front of you, you begin to make marks across the paper. Even if we do not make anything recognizable, the art of making marks on a paper is just fun. We could do this before we could even talk!

So today we dive in to that ability. I kind of went out on my own limb with this one, but I believe you will learn something ether way. You just gab a piece of paper and a pen and start moving your hand around and see what you come up with. Begin with simple lines and swirls and let your body relax. Then when you have loosened up, look at the marks that you have made. Do you see anything? Well show us what you see! If you are having a hard time seeing anything, spin your paper around and really look. If you still can't find anything ether keep scribbling on top of your previous marks or begin a new one or you can try looking for something in this scribbly!

Here are some of my scribbles and what I saw within my craziness.

If you are having trouble with my spin of the lesson here is Carla's lesson. She begins with some loose scribbles then asks you to find an image you want to draw and begin scribbling that image into life. Like a cup or a plant or the old man who fell asleep in the coffee shop. This is not suppose to be a contour drawing (DO NOT out line your figure!). Just begin in the middle and work your way out. You will be surprised how accurately you will draw like this. Add more lines to make the shadows and let the white of the paper show for the highlights.

Whether you do my lesson or Carla's, the idea is to have fun and let the little kid in you come out! Good luck, and see you tomorrow for Day 5!

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