Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sketching Daily: Day 10 "Day at the park"

Finally, a beautiful day! While I love the rain, there is something about Texas summers that just make me happy. I decided to take my sketching skills out to a "secret" location, right here in Wichita Falls. I discovered this little creek back a year or so ago and even when we are in the middle of a drought it still looks beautiful. There are tons of ducks and cranes that hang out here at the end of the day but they were all off hunting when I arrived. I did manage to get some sketches of a few young ducks who were hiding in the shade eating bugs in the duck weed that was growing on the edge of the water. I spent a few lazy hours sketching and got some decent sketches, but it felt good to get out in the sun after a long week of drizzle.

Today, I restricted my sketches to small boxes I drew on my paper. Sometimes we get to overwhelmed with a large piece that we stress to much when we draw. Sketching is suppose to be a fun relaxing opportunity to draw something we might not normally sketch. It is also a chance to gain some much needed skills so why constrict your learning to one large piece when you can draw a multitude of small sketches. The more we draw the more our skill grows.

Here are some of the sketches. I hope you are enjoying my daily sketches. It has been fun testing my skills and doing some out of studio work. A change of pace is sometimes needed as we develop as artists. If the weather holds up I should have some more outdoor activities for you in the coming week. Until then. 

The pond

Young ducks playing in the water

Twisted roots

Value sketch of a tree

Since the ants were wanting my attention
so bad I decided to sketch them as well

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