Thursday, September 5, 2013

Art Camp 2013

Every Fall at Midwestern State University, the Art Department holds a two day "camp" for all of the art students to collaborate and make some artwork together. This is a chance for the students to come together and help each other produce art. Most of the time we spend our days in the studio working on our own pieces and besides a suggestion or two and critic,
it is difficult to really work together on a project. It has been going on for quite a few years now and I have had the privilege of being a part of a few of them. This year the theme was "Original Rodeo." We were given the chance to do an installation that would follow the theme.

The first day was spent cutting out and painting large flat silhouettes of random animals and people. I choose to help out with a flying pig and painted a jackalope with the help of one of my fellow students Sammie. The Starry Night side was inspired by our professor Dr. Leimer and painted by Sammie, I painted the other side. The pig was also double sided and Sammie and I painted the "Heavenly pig" and some of the other student painted the other side.

Day two of art camp we put the final touches on some of the other pieces that were going in the installation including a giant bull, lots of cacti and even a drag queen. I helped finish up some of the people in the crowd and by the time I left for lunch they were ready to hang.

The Exhibition Preparator Carlos and his student gallery assistant Sydney did an amazing job putting up the gallery. It will be up for the next few weeks and if you have the time you need to come by and see it. It will be on display in the Foyer Gallery at the Fain Fine Arts Building. 

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